Friday, December 1, 2006

Auracle Internet Jam

Got an email about this today. I am intrigued.


Max Neuhaus has long been a pioneer of network sound art, and he has now created Auracle, one of the largest, most impressive examples of it.

The Art Gallery of Knoxville is presentng an exhibition of Neuhaus' works, and this evening's opening recepton will include an Auracle internet jam.

What is Auracle? Neuhaus explains: "Auracle is a networked sound instrument, controlled by the voice. It is played and heard over the internet. Anyone can use it by simply launching it in their web browser ... "

Exhibition of works by Max Neuhaus
Opening Party and Auracle Internet Jam: Friday, December 1, 6-11pm
Join online at
Friday, December 1 - Saturday, December 23
The Art Gallery of Knoxville, 317 N Gay Street, Knoxville, TN

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